October 24, 2009


Kate got to go to her first costume birthday party a couple of weeks ago. The theme was peter pan and to come dressed as your favorite character. I asked Kate what she wanted to be from Peter Pan and she told me the crocodile! Well I couldn't find a crocodile so I asked if there was something else she wanted to be and she said a pirate. I would of thought she would want to be tinkerbell or something girly but nope. We went to the store and bought her costume and then got face make-up to make her look like a dirty pirate. I think she looks so cute! Here she is all dressed up and ready to go, she kept saying Arrgg Matey all day long.

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

SHe is so cute...and i know where that picture is taken in your house...i feel so privledged to know that :) Miss you my friend!