February 11, 2010


Ok I know it has been forever since I have posted on here. So much has been going on that I have pretty much forgotten about this little blog. So to get everyone caught up, we are expecting our second little girl in July, I am still working part time, Kate is three and acting like such a little girl not my baby anymore and today we are having quite the snow day! Kate was so excited when we went to go out and play in it. She couldn't make up her mind, she wanted to make a snowman, make snow angels and have a snowball fight all at the same time. I think we have gotten about two inches so far and it is so pretty so I thought I would share some of the pictures with you. I promise I will try and do better about keeping up with the blog and keeping everyone up to date with life and the new little one. We don't have a name yet so I will let you know when we decided what this little girl will be named :)

Snow Day

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

oh man, she is so cute. i can't believe all the snow there. that is nutty. Take a picture of yourself so we can see your cute baby bump!!